Friday, July 6, 2007

beware the rant

This is such a rollercoaster (I just went to magic mountain this week so I know what I'm talking about). This morning, I thought the storm had relented, the rain had faded to a trickle, the sun had broke through the clouds, and I was on my it's the end of the day, and I'm drowning in torrential thunderstorms. I don't know what to do with myself, I can't open my bible or my mouth to pray, I give up so quickly!! I can't believe it's gotten this easy to get used to starting over, because that's what the last few weeks have been like, each day I tell myself His mercies are new every morning, and every night ends in wallowing. I thought today was different, I thought I had broken through the attack of the enemy. Turns out I'm a POW in this battle, subject to the whims of my captor. Where's the victory? How can I be stuck in these thought patterns of the past? Why can't I get through ONE day of fasting??? BAHHHHHH... Try again, tomorrow? After weeks of failure? I don't have it in me...

1 comment:

lisa falcone said...

bekah, maybe we should do a joint attack? let me know if you're down, and we can do this thing together. i know that there are things i've been wanting to change for say the past month...and it hasn't really happened. maybe if we join forces, we will see victory? something to consider. let me know what you think...