Thursday, October 11, 2007

the rights and the violence...

I wonder how a Christian can believe in the promises of God to Israel, especially regarding their right to the land, and reconcile that with the forced displacement of Palestinians and the continued violance against them?

Many things I have read recently have prompted this question, including this article. There is a strong sympathy for Palestinians among my friends and classmates here in Egypt, contrasted with the pro-Zionist perspective back home in the states. At this point, I'm rather disgusted with both sides of the struggle really. But I really hate what I see happening to Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza...and I almost feel guilty about that because I believe in Israel's rightful ownership to the land based on the promises of God.

Is there a biblical Human Rights perspective that can properly address this issue?


KATEE said...

Oh Man... yeah I may be speaking from too much ignorance but when sharing the gospel with a muslim/ Palestinian classmate a few months back I was pretty thrown back to hear of her frustration with Israelis as she lived in Palestine and experienced their abuse towards herself and her people firsthand... I somehow continued with the gospel after expressing my sympathy, but yeah... man... can't wait to read the responses on this one.

bethany said...

mom and i were talking about this, and we finally came to this conclusion. Israel is the promise land to the Jews, who God chose to use to show His greatness and His power. He promised them this land, and He cannot go back on His promises regardless if Israel is obedient or not. The Israeli people are obviously in rebellion to the Lord, and although this is their promised land and God will keep it that way, they still need Jesus to get to be saved, and many of them arent. the good thing is our God is a God of justice( YES! ) and i dont think that the Lord in any way is alright with the terrible things being committed against Palestine, and He loves them just like He loves you and me...this is kinda all over the place, haha, so... summed up: Israel is in rebellion to the Lord, who promised them this land and has to keep his promise, the Lord loves palestinians and just because the Jews are God's chosen people doesnt mean that everything they do is right and good-it obviously isnt. when israel became a nation, most of the jews there were escapng from he holocaut, and i think this may have been a factor in how they treated the palestinians. they probably were afraid of having palestinians in israel and acted rashly by forcing them to leave. however, they did pay back all of these people forced to move for whatever was lost, unlike the surrounding arab countries who wouldnt repay jews for the property lost when they were forced to move. still doesnt justify what they did. i dont know, its all a very long complicated subject, and i dont really know enough about it to completely understand. but, the Lord understands, and thats the important thing, haha.

Forsoothsayer said...

yes, u really DON'T know anything about it, Bethany.

look, discount the notion that God is just. or at least, the justice that we humans know. otherwise there wouldn't be so much stuff that is bad happening to innocents around the world.

however, my take it this: just like so much of the old testament's message was displaced by Jesus, so would the promises. after all, there shouldn't BE any Jews if they had accepted Jesus as their saviour, therefore there shouldn't be anything left for them to receive. and even if u do still think that despite their rejection of Him they are still God's chosen people, who should this entail that they get an EXCLUSIVELY Jewish land? why can't they work out a system of government where everyone gets equal representation? could there not be one state where everyone had all the rights and privileges currently only being extended to Jews? random people who happen to have a few drops of Jewish blood?

in the alternative, u could say ll this was predicted in revelations...