Friday, August 24, 2007


So, ya, I'm here. It's hot. I miss you guys. Did I mention it's hot? It's a blazing furnace of muggy polluted smog. Love my apartment except I have no AC, but a fan really helps. Here's the view from my room...not very exciting I know.

I pretty much have nothing to do until next week when registration starts and all that jazz. I've already met a few people in my program who I really like, go figure since we have the same passion for refugee studies and human rights. Weird meeting people who are like you, but kinda cool too.

It's nice to be back...a little strange considering I've never gone back to live in a place where I've already dwelled for a season, other than coming home of course. Even coming home has been temporary each time. This is a whole new gig, this coming back thing. And I can't say how I feel about it yet.


Aubrey said...

i miss you

chris lazo said...

Come back:(

bethany said...

i love you...and i miss you...and i will continue to hide notes places...somehow

Becky Dellar said...

Love you Bekah!! i think your view is cool.

lisa falcone said...

bekah boo! i miss you! like that rhyme action? ;-) i love you a lot.